A few weeks ago, a few of my friends had people over to their apartment to help make and hang decorations for their tree. I think it came out pretty well:

...Say, what's that at the top of the tree? A star, an angel?

I can almost make it out...

Ah yes. (You can thank/curse
@jasoncfry for the image). Happy Holidays from our centaur to yours!
nicely done.
happy holidays.
interestingly, the CAPTCHA word I have to enter for this post is "METLOSS"
This is a great sports blog you have here man. It’s a very good read. I have a sports blog myself but I specifically cover the New York Giants. I’ve been a fan all my life and it’s great writing about them. I would like to exchange links with you to help spread some traffic around. It can’t hurt us, it’s a win/win on both sides.
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