July 14, 2007

Baseball Player Name of the Week

Via an astute commenter: Baron Frost, of the Auburn Doubledays, a minor league affiliate of the Blue Jays.

It's no Bris Lord ("The Human Eyeball"), a player brought to my attention by commenter JL25and3 on the Banter and with whom I am now obsessed, but it's pretty good. Though, really, if Auburn Doubleday were a person, that wouldn't be a bad choice for Name of the Week either. Reminds me of one of my all-time favorite ideas for a blog post ever, from The Winged Elephant: "Wodehouse Character or Baseball Player?"

I am proud to report that I aced their quiz -- as well I should, since I have spent an inordinate amount of time in my life on both P.G. Wodehouse and, as you have probably noticed by now, baseball names. Personally I think the moniker that fits most seamlessly into both categories is Snuffy Stirnwiess.

Runner up: Stiffy Byng.


Unknown said...

It's hard to beat Snurry Stirnweiss.

Unknown said...

Blah! I meant to write "Snuffy".

Emma said...

Well, Snurry Stirnweiss would also be tough to beat.

Ray said...

I just discovered this-and you (at least under this name/identity), even though you've got mine on your blogroll. I will be updating my version of that in the coming week and will be adding you/this to me/that.

Nice work. Nice dog (we have two lab mixes). Nice win today, even if my stupid cable system seemed incapable of carrying it.

Ray said...

OK, I think I messed that up.

"Mine on your blogroll" would be Metphistopheles, my Mainly Met blog sharing a gmail address with my more general rants at life.

And proving the relevance of Six Degrees of Separation to even Met fans (with apologies if you don't want to be known by what the 'rents have done): A Dog's Life is one of our favorite books ever. And the dog in the picture I referenced last time looks an awful lot like I pictured Stanley to be (I loaned out the book to a friend on the loss of her sheepdog, and she loved it, too, but that's what stops me from remembering the name of the other Lab in there).

You're on the sidebar now.