And since it worked so well last time, now I'm off to write about all the many ways the ALCS could turn into a total disaster for New York.
Meanwhile, weirdly enough, I'm supposed to be on "Jeopardy!" tonight - I went out to LA for the taping back in August and it was a fun though deeply weird experience. I'm Tivo-ing the show, but as I hate even hearing my own voice on a tape recorder let alone watching myself on TV, I will probably go with the Phils-Rockies game tonight instead.
And I'm not allowed to say how I did before it airs, but I can't let it go without just one preemptive note: I knew the Mickey Mantle question! I just couldn't buzz in in time, I swear!

Hey saw you on Jeopardy...sorry for the tough loss. Your book grabbed my interest! I'll be looking out for it.
Emma, you were sick awesome.
Trebek was right, though -- you really should've devoted an entire essay in your book to the price of food sold in sports stadiums.
Peter, thanks!
Julian - yes, I considered having my grandfather contribute a chapter: "$4.95 For a Hot Dog, What Do They Think, I'm Made of Money?"
Emma, I wish I could see the Jeopardy clip, but when I click on it, all I get is a JPEG, not the video.
Saw you on Jeopardy! Congrats on getting on there.. I was interested in looking you up because I'm a big baseball fan too. I'll see if they have your book in Canada.
Sweet Emma. I will certainly be buying the book next year. Congratulations.
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